Mayor's message

Building a city for everyone.

Berry Vrbanovic

Mayor of Kitchener

Velocity team PlantPal waits to showcase their solution during the 2023 Agetech Innovation Challenge.

Velocity, at the University of Waterloo, is a key community partner that is making this vision become reality. Velocity is fostering innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit that tackles many of the planet’s greatest challenges while making our world a better place for all.

Nearly 15 years ago, you brought this pillar of our regional innovation ecosystem to Downtown Kitchener, allowing more startups and innovators to create and thrive. From the original 1,500 square foot space known as the Velocity Garage to the significant footprint and offering that you have today, we are proud to have you as a partner in driving economic growth for our community. Our partnership and vision with the University of Waterloo, first with the School of Pharmacy and then Velocity, today continues to create more opportunities for our community with the soon-to-be-open, Innovation Arena in Kitchener. The City of Kitchener was proud to support the growing health technology start-up and scaleup ecosystem through our $8.5 million investment in this ground-breaking initiative that will be the new home of Velocity and allow you to streamline commercialization, fast-track entrepreneurs and support the global economy.

At the City of Kitchener, our vision is “building a city for everyone where, together, we take care of the world around us – and each other.”

I am proud to see the positive impact that Velocity continues to have on our city. You continue to drive innovation by connecting emerging talent and next-generation entrepreneurs with the tools and resources needed to accelerate new ideas and technologies to the marketplace, driving our local, regional and national economies.

To the entrepreneurs who have the courage to tackle many of our greatest challenges, thank you for your dedication and passion for making the world a better place. All of us at the City of Kitchener look forward to celebrating your continued success in the years to come.