Campus Spotlight

Student founders build with intent.

Krysta Traianovski (BSc ’15, MBET ’16)

Senior Manager, Velocity science

Krysta Traianovski presenting at the Startup 101 session

We believe in students’ potential to drive meaningful change and capture opportunities. Their ideas, regardless of maturity, are seeds for promising ventures. These can rapidly grow into successful businesses.

Waterloo students are eager to build and put their ideas to the test. We see this in their commitment to understanding and defining problems and a hunger to move quickly. Velocity offers students the chance to develop a stronger foundation and community so when they invariably encounter roadblocks, they have the know-how and confidence to continue progressing. Fostering connections between students from all disciplines who contribute to each other’s successes by sharing connections and information is critical.

Being a founder means having a different perspective and starting that journey means more than just expanding knowledge. It’s a personal development process, creation and growth of a network. It’s about acting, owning and exposing your ideas to the real world and having the courage to face, and work through challenges.